Wednesday, October 31, 2012

Gym and squash

Gym: 8,6,6,6,6@bodyweight pullups
8*5@14 seated row machine
5*5@14 lat pulldown machine (think this is 70kg)

Squash: Ran lots, lost lots, feeling it had to do with combo hayfever and lack of sleep the night before.

Tuesday, October 30, 2012


Gym: 8,6,3,3,4@30kg@arm 10deg incline dumbbell press
7*5@60kg guided benchpress.

That was it... feeling a bit shit with hayfever and no insulation on roof (am top floor) so too hot to sleep, so tired, sneezy, itchy grumpy man at the gym, so didnt do much

Weight:76.1kg, been floating between 76-77kg this week, ran out of protiene powder last week so maybe thats part of why not gaining anything... at least i didnt go down again like last week.

Also started doing 50pushups in the morning, to help me get started for the day... should take ~1.5min's if i was going for entry into the US military (weird physical requirement of >60 pushups in 2 mins) but since im not, and i do them in two bunches of 25 (which will probably eventually merge into i bunch of 50) takes me about 3 mins.

Monday, October 29, 2012


10*5@25kg@side standing side crunch with dumbbell in hand
10*5@bodyweight+10kgplate 45deg decline sittups
10*5@5@side standing side on cable at shoudler hieght accross body twists
10*5 leg raises
10@10 10@12 10*3@14 cable pray's

Today was a core day, felt a little sick after doing the twisty things with the cable machine, also managed to give myself a headache with the decline situps (it went away) and i wonder if i have bad blood pressure/cardio fitness which is why i get headaches so often after sleeping/laying down to watch tv... or its a tumor, ITS NOT A TUMOR (herp derp)!

Sunday, October 28, 2012


8,6,5,5,3@30kg@arm 10deg inlcine dumbbell press
9*5@17.5kg@arm 10deg inlcine dumbbell pec fly
5@15 5*4@20kg lying on back tricep curls (very slowly lowing)
8,7*5@bodyweight full dips
6*5@60kg guided benchpress (hate stupid guide)

Hate it when people hog multiple sets of equipment, or like one fat bastard did, stand infront of the wieghts rack to do the exersice (not even using it for support which although still annoying may be justifyable) preventing anyone from getting any other dumbbells that are dirrectly in front of him because he cant find some more usefull place to stand!

Thursday, October 25, 2012


8*5@14 seated row machine
4*5@bodyweight pullups
5*5@14 lat pulldown machine (guessing 14~70kg)
8*5@8 rear delt fly machine

Feeling a bit under the weather today (hayfever related) so didnt do much.

Wednesday, October 24, 2012

Gym and squash

6,5,4,4,2@30kg@arm 10deg incline dumbbell press
8,7,8*2,7@17.5kg@arm 10deg incline dumbbell pec-fly
5,6*4@bodywieght wideset dips
10*5@3@arm shoulder hieght cable pec-fly

Squash: Will be later tonight, sans julia who is le aidsee (psuedo-bastard-french for sick :P)

Monday, October 22, 2012


7,6,4,4,3@30kg@arm 10deg incline dumbbell benchpress
8*5@17.5k@arm 10deg inlcine dumbbell pec-fly
6,6,5,5,5@50kg guided benchpress
6,5*4@bodyweight dips
8*5@3 cable standing pec-fly shoulder hieght
10 pushups

Chest day... but I feel like it lacks something... also my elbow hurt so meh.


Today was stomach/core day
10*5@25kg@side standing side crunch with dumbbell in one hand
8*5@bd+10kg 45deg decline situps
8*5@60kg guided squats
10*5@3@side standing cable twist at shoulder hieght
5@1min bridge/planc

also I my weight is 75.7kg today. this is down on the weekly average for the last week of 76.5kg, think it is water loss.

Saturday, October 20, 2012


Gym: 10,8,7,6,5@bodyweight pullups
8*5@14 seated row machine
5*5@14 lat pulldown machine
6*5@30kg overhand bitchbar bicep curls
5,4,4,4,3@bodywieght chinnups
8*5@7@arm cable lat pulldown.
10@6 10@8 10@11 10*2@12 shoulder shrug with leg press machine.

Back/lat/trap day.

Friday, October 19, 2012

Gym and a short run

7,6,5,4,4@30kg@arm 10deg incline dumbbell benchpress
7*5@17.5kg@arm 10deg incline pec-fly
5*5@50kg guided benchpress
5*5@bodyweight dips

Then a 2k run home... because I was late for meeting people for alcohol consumption. :)

Wednesday, October 17, 2012


So got a shiney new racquet for squash, its a tecnifibre ng130 or similar (130 grams). It seems pretty good. But I sucked worse than a hooker on their training day (going for chauvenistic hyperbole, did i hit the mark?). Lost to nearly everyone (except mel).

Tuesday, October 16, 2012


8,7,6,5,4@bodyweight pullups
7,8*4@7@arm cable lat/pec cross-chest pull-down
10*4,6@bd+5kg 45deg decline situps
10@50kg 8*4@55kg squats... this is very low weight at the moment because I am not used to the guide thingy
10*5@25kg@side standing side crunch with dumbell in one hand
50-60 ish wrist flex (overhand, underhand and thumb-up) with 6kg wieght, to try and counter the increasing "raquet-sport" lopsided-ness of my forearms.

Weight today 76.1kg... gone from last week. which averaged 76.9kg, but still above the week before. Think its because I ran out of pickled eggs as a snack I was having (protien rich) between meals, will have to make some more, since they are super easy and taste better than normal boiled eggs.

Monday, October 15, 2012


10*5@bodyweight dips
7,5*4@35kg bitchbar overhand bicep curls
5,5,3,3,3@30kg@arm 10deg incline dumbbell press
7,5,6,6,6@17.5kg@arm 10deg incline bench dumbbell pec fly
5*5@50kg benchpress (guided)
3*10seconds@20kg plate held between pressed together flats of my hands above my chest

I didnt go to the gym on the weekend despite specifically organising my weekend so I would have time saturday morning and sunday afternoon... I need to buy motivation.

Friday, October 12, 2012


6,5,4*3@30kg@arm 10deg incline dumbbell press
7*5@17.5kg@arm 10deg incline dumbbell pec-fly
8,6*4@bodyweight dips

This is written a few days later, so cant remember if I did more than this, although my traps were really sore from the day before, and my lats were saw the day after, so not sure what i did to work the lats this day...

Thursday, October 11, 2012


20*3,10*2@bodyweight 45deg decline situps
8,7,5,5,5@bodyweight pullups
10*5@25kg@side standing side crunches with dumbbell in hand
5*5@14 lat pulldown on lat pulldown machine
7*5@4@side cable "uppercuts"

Wednesday, October 10, 2012


Squash: This week we only had 4 players, so we finished quickly... We played two games each because of the extra time... but I think I find the timed matches more enjoyable... Almost won against ben: 10-8, won against Mel and lost to Hian

Tuesday, October 9, 2012


Gym: 8,6,5,5,4@bodyweight pullups
10*5@bodyweight 45deg decline situp
8*5@50kg guided squats
10*5@12 cable seated row machine
6@8kg@arm 8*4@6kg@arm rear delt raise (dont like this one... need it though, shoulders are not fore/aft similar)
5,5,4,4,4@bodyweight chinups

Todays weight: 77.1kg, gained a little... if only it wasnt from eating hungry jacks for most meals on the weekend (was very lazy, didnt feel like walking down the street and its only hj's or pizza within 2 min walk of my house, and pizza doesnt have eftpos.)

I also walked to uni, which is a 4-5k walk, but walking doesn't really count as excersise for me at this point in my life

Monday, October 8, 2012


Gym: 6,5,4,3,3@30kg@arm 15deg incline dumbbell press
6*5@17.5kg@arm 15deg incline dumbbell pecfly
5@45kg 5*4@50kg guided benchpress (guided thing makes it soo much harder at certain angles because it is artificailly constricting your freedom of motion, grr)
6,10*4@6@arm cable pulldown thingy
10*5@25kg@side standing with dumbbell in one hand side crunch
6,6,5,5,5@10kg standing with weight at shoulder hieght twist from side to side

Today I decided to start increasing the weights i do so that my reps are lower (around the 5-4 mark) in an attempt to try and increase size and maximum strength output quickly. After a little while, maybe a month, whatever weight I am at I will try to go back to larger number of reps (around 10) and I'll see how that goes for overall appearance.

Friday, October 5, 2012

Gym and pushie

Pushie: to uni and back ~16k's

10@3,10@4,10*3@5@side Standing side on, cable chest hight, from twisting from side to side.
10@10,10*2@12,10*2@14 cable pray pulldown thingy
10@40kg,8*4@50kg guided squats
10*5@bodyweight 45deg decline situps
10*5@22.5kg@side standing with dumbbell in one hand side crunch

Weight has gone up last few days.. think this is because the increase in what i am eating, which has been free as was given two dozen eggs the other day which i pickled and i know eat as a relatively high protien snack (since i eat the yolk as well it ends up being ~30%protien 25%fat rest water/undigestibles/a few carbs)

Thursday, October 4, 2012

Gym and squash

7,6,6,5,4@27.5kg@arm 15deg incline dumbbell press
9*5@15kg@arm 15deg incline dumbell pecfly
7,6,5,4,4@bodyweight pullup
4,4,3,4,4@25kg@arm guided flat dumbbell type press.

To and from uni ~14k's

Its very warm today...

Wednesday, October 3, 2012


So we did 7 min against each other, scores: 8-13(although it was 8-7 until the last minute where i died in a hole), 6-8, 18-0 and 11-12... in almost all of them I got close about 2/3rds the way through, just need to work on not wearing out at the end (the 18-0 doesnt count because mel hasnt had that much practice lately)

Almost went for a swim but then I didnt. True story.

Tuesday, October 2, 2012

Gym and pushie

Bikeride: to from uni ~15 or so k's

10*5@22.5kg@side standing side crunch with weight in one hand
10*5@bodyweight dangling leg raise
10*5@bodyweight 30deg decline situps
10*5@bd+5kg bend in middle raise thingy
8*5@12 lat pulldown machine

So weight: 76.1kg... I need to eat more protien I think, loosing weight like this does not make for a happy camper.

Monday, October 1, 2012


8,7,6,6,5@27.5kg@arm 15deg incline dumbbell press
8*5@15kg@arm 15deg incline dumbbell pecfly
4,4,5,4,4@60kg half benchpress in guided bar thingy
7,6,5,4,4@bodyweight pullups
10*5@5@arm standing leaning forward pec fly's on cable machine

Still cant work out if bar in guided bar thingy is counterballanced or not... doesnt seem to be when no weights r on, but i should be easily able to do 60kg full bench's bcos can do incline with dumbells about equal to that weight...