Thursday, January 31, 2013

Gym and pushbike

Gym: 10*5@bd+12.5kg dangling leg raises
10*5@35kg@side standing side crunch with dumbbell in one hand
20,15*2,10*2@bd 45 deg decline situps
3@1min@side side planc

Ride: to and from uni, legs are sore from yesterday though. ~12k's

Wednesday, January 30, 2013

Gym and Squash

Gym: 10@60kg 10*4@70kg smith machine squats
5*5@60kg bent over rows
10*5@11 squat machine
5*3@bd+10kg bend at mid "back crunch" thingy

Squash: went reasonably well despite knees being too sore to bend very low.

Tuesday, January 29, 2013


Gym:8,7,6,5*2@32.5kg@arm 10deg incline dumbbell press
6*5@22.5kg@arm 10deg incline dumbbell pecfly
10*5@bd pushpus with feet on bench
7,6*3,7@bd+10kg dips
10*5@40kg 45deg decline smith machine press

weight:77.1kg, so starting to gain a little. I have only been eating 3 meals instead of four (since i fail to get up early enough) so when i get into a better routine i should be in a much better way for gaining muscle.

Friday, January 25, 2013


Gym: 6*3,5,4@bd+10kg pullups
8*5@16 cable row machine

Think that was all cos i cbf'd.

Thursday, January 24, 2013


Gym: 9,8,6,6,5@32.5kg@arm 10deg incline dumbbell press
9,8*4@bd+10kg dips
10*5@bd pushups with feet on bench
5*3@50kg smith machine benchpress
8*3@15kg@side standing hammer curls
10@30kg 6@35kg 8@30kg 45deg incline smith machine press
7,8,7@10 cable chest press machine

Wednesday, January 23, 2013

Gym and squash

Squash is later so dont know how i went yet :p

Gym: 10*5@bd+12.5kg hanging leg raise
10*5@32.5kg@side standing side crunch with dumbbell in one hand
10*3@8@side standing side twist cable pull
20*3@bd 45deg decline sitpus
2*1min@side side bridge/plank
10*3 laying leg raises

Monday, January 21, 2013

Gym and bikeride

Bike Ride: To and from uni via a pub in richmond for trivia ~20ks.

Gym: 10*5@60kg guided squats
7@40kg 5*4@60kg bent over standing row
10*3@+30kg@side standing bend forward raising one leg while lowering dumbbells in hands to floor
10*3@+30kg@leg step up onto 30cm platform
8*5@11 cable leg curl
5*3@10kg bend at mid "back crunch"

Weight today: 76.0kg.. it sorta looked like it was trending up but then I started heading down again... think its the cardio from walking/bike riding... am going to add meatball to my meals... hope mince tastes good spiced with pumpkin pie spices, cos thats all i got... the ginger should be good.

Sunday, January 20, 2013

Gym and Bike

Bike to and from uni: ~12k's

Gym: 8,6,4@32.5kg@arm 3,5@30kg@arm 10deg incline dumbbell press
8*3,6*2@bd+10kg dips
6,5*3,4@50kgs smith machine benchpress
10*5@bd incline pushups (with feet on raised)
3*3@22.5kg@arm 45deg incline dumbbell press
4,6,5*3@9kg@arm standing shoulder raise

Saturday, January 19, 2013

Gym and bikeride

Bike Ride: in the morning went from my place to a friends and then on to the studley park bout house (so misnamed, no studly-ness to be found :p) and then after lunch, back home (~40k's). After the gym I rode to my friends to play World of Tanks and then home after (~10k's).

Gym: 6,5,4*3@bd+10kg 5@bd pullups
8*5@16 cable row machine

That was all i felt like doing.

Think I ended up a little sunburned and dehydrated because was lazy and headachey the next day and skipped the gym.

Friday, January 18, 2013


Gym: 10*5@bd+12.5kg dangling leg raise
10*5@32.5kg@side standing side crunch with dumbbell in one hand
10*5@bd lying leg raises
10*2@bd 45deg decline situps
4@1min @bd+5kg plank
1@1min@side side plank

Thursday, January 17, 2013


Gym: 10*2,8*3@50kg guided benchpress (full, proper form)
4*3@32.5kg@arm 10deg incline dumbbell press (was hard after proper benchpress)
7*5@bd+10kg dips

All i felt like today cos was tired and its freakin 37 degrees today.

Squash was good last night, beat everyone but hian (although jules thru up and ben has a bung knee ill still take it.)

Wednesday, January 16, 2013

Gym and Squash

Gym: 10@60kg 10*4@70kg guided squats
10*2,7@15kg@arm@leg standing on one leg, lower dumbbells to floor while lifting other leg inline with body (pain to do, make me sweat alot)
10*5@11 seated legpress machine
8*5@10 hamstring curl machine
7*3@bd+10kg bend at mid "back crunch" style thing

was going to do some "jumps" as in jump from both feet flat on floor to a step platform landing with both feet together, but someone else was using the step platforms for calf workouts... not that i feel they needed them, their calfs were already buff... i need the equipment more than them! :p

Squash: Later tonight. who knows how many will be there, as jules and ben are running late and mel is almost never on time.

Tuesday, January 15, 2013


Gym: 6,5,4*3@bd+10kg pullups
8*5@16 cable row machine
6*5@12 underarm close hand grip lat pulldown
10*5@40kg standing bent over row
10*5@12.5kg@arm standing hammercurls

weight: 76.7kg... was up and down last week, think this is mostly due to 2.5kg worth of buiscuts i ate over the last day and a half... at least maybe some muscle might come of that right?

Monday, January 14, 2013


Gym: 9,8,6,5,4@32.5kg@arm 10 deg dumbbell press
8*5@bd+10kg dips

Thats all i felt like... i know, lazy... never get results that way.

Saturday, January 12, 2013


Gym: 8*5@bd+12.5kg hanging leg raises with dumbell between feet
10*5@32.5kg@side standing side crunch with dumbbell in one hand
10@8,10@9,10@10,6@11,10@10 crunch machine (I hate the angle of this thing)
5@1min@bd+5kg benches
1min@side side bench

next two days, obliques and sub-luvhandles-muscles very sore... seems like the side benches are the way to go... if only i didnt feel so damn heavy when doing them.

Friday, January 11, 2013


Gym: 8,7,5*3@32.5kg@arm 10deg incline dumbbell press
6*5@22.5kg@arm 10deg incline dumbbell pec-fly
8*4,6@bd+10kg dips
7*4,5@22.5kg@arm 45deg incline dumbbell press

Havent been real good at going to the gym since ny. Am going to try harder, also thinking i shall increase how much i am eating to try and improve my (nearly non-existant) muscle/physique growth.

Wednesday, January 9, 2013


Bit out of practice, standing in the wrong spot alot (ie, directly behind the other player). Also Mel was 1.5hrs late and then sorta cracked the sads when we only played a quick game with her and left. But sometimes it feels like she takes friends for granted because we're not "significant/important" like work.

Sunday, January 6, 2013


Gym: 8,8,7,6,5@32.5kg@arm 10deg incline dumbbell press
6*5@22.5kg@arm 10deg incline dumbbell pec-fly
8*5@bd+10kg dips
7,3@55kg guided benchpress (tried lowering the weight to focus on making sure i got the bar all the way down to my chest, as the guided thing makes me weak at about the 1/3 above my chest hieght, but perfectly able to do the other parts... very frustrating)